Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Well, it seems like there just hasn't been enough time to do everything lately. There are all these things that i need to do with work & home, and the list just keeps growing, but "time" doesn't grow along with my list. it would be great if time just stopped about 3:30 p.m. long enough for me to get everything done. 3:30 is just about the perfect time of day, it's not too early so you are groggy, it's not right after lunch so you are ready for a nap, and it's not too late in the day where all you want to do is relax. but i don't think that's going to happen. so hopefully everything that needs to get done gets done.

Thought For The Blog:

"Time, you can never get it back once it gone."

1 comment:

Adam Monaghan said...

"time...is on your side, yes it is, oh time...is on your side"