Friday, February 6, 2009

Twilight: Book Review

2. Twilight By Stephenie Meyer
This is the second book that I have read so far in 2009. I'll give you a little back history as to why I read this book. I first heard about Twilight while I was a Youth Pastor in Iowa. Rachel Mortimer was the first one who showed it to me, and I thought it was funny that she was reading a story about a vampire who fell in love with a high school girl.
Fast forward about a year and a half and now the movie "Twilight" has come to the theatre in Kemmerer, WY. Audrey went to see it with Alyssa while I was working at the Teen Center on a Saturday evening, and I basically said that I would never watch it or end up reading the book.
Sunday rolled around and Audrey said the movie was so good that I had to watch it with her that afternoon. So we did, and I'll admit that it was a good movie. So it inspired Audrey to read the book, and after she finished I read it too.
So on with the review! It is an easy read and is just under 500 pgs. The plot, a vampire (Edward) falls in love with a teenage girl (Bella), they have to figure out their relationship etc, and then there is some action thrown in when another vampire who is bad wants to destroy Bella. So Edward has to come to her rescue.
It is a good book, and I recommend it if you want a quick read, to take your mind off of something else! It is also the 1st book in a series of 4.


Anonymous said...

oh that's right. where would you guys be with out me? arent i great?

Audrey said...

Any book that can keep me seated for hours is a good book - and Twilight did just that. OH, and Thanks Alyssa