Prayer has been something that I have been doing a lot more of lately. It seems that there are so many things that God does in our lives when we listen to Him. Sometimes I really don't want to listen as much as I should because I might not like the outcome of what I hear. God continually draws us beyond our means, beyond our finances, beyond our gifts, beyond our comforts. Out into the unknown. That's a scary place to be. The unknown. My whole world is turned upside down in the unknown. All the things that I can put my faith in are gone. Everything except the One who has drawn me into the unknown. God has gone before me into the unknown, into the places where I have not yet gone. And that is good. That gives me hope. That the One who is calling has gone before, has prepared the way, has laid out what He wants in my life. Continually molding and shaping through the circumstances of life.
I have had one of these experiences as of late. Some of you may know, others maybe not. God has been drawing me into a place where I have not totally been. He has called me to be a Senior Pastor. Whoa! I know! I was shocked myself. All the pieces have been falling into place over the past few months, and God has called Audrey and I to Kemmerer, Wyoming to Pastor at Valley Evangelical Free Church. We will be parterning in ministry to this city of 3,000 with the great body of believers that are there. This is a very exciting time, and also a very hard one. God has given us so much here in Carlisle, that it is extremely hard to tell everyone that we are leaving. We have had great relationships with all the youth in our youth group, the others of the congregation, and with our Pastor and his wife.
So I guess all that being said, God is drawing us out farther than we have ever been! Faith and Hope will abound!