Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Winter Season

well, here we are... only a week away from Christmas. Audrey and I have no Christmas decorations up, and the few gifts that we have received so far are sitting in a chair, not tucked nicely away under a Tree. no stockings are hung, and no lights are on our house. i guess the only way you can tell it's almost Christmas is that it's freezing outside and there is snow everywhere!

even though we don't have any decorations up, i'm not a scrooge, like adam monaghan, just kidding adam.... i enjoy Christmas, not just the commercialization of it. America has done itself in this year. we seem to get farther and farther away from what Christmas is really about, and i'll let you figure that one out on your own.

i'm excited for a little break from things, and getting to travel down to KS to spend a few days at a youth conference and see some family and old friends. and for a day just to spend w/ audrey and i celebrating all that God has given us. So here's to Christmas, even if we aren't acting like it.

Thought for the Blog:

"I'm ready for summer"

1 comment:

Adam Monaghan said...


I just read your blog. I am a Grinch. It’s okay to admit! (But Grinch’s always are redeemed at the very last second.

Good words.

Yes, seeya at FSC!
