Saturday, April 19, 2008

"The Fears That Limit Leaders"

Pastor's Teaching & Retreat at Camp Quaker Heights

Good Fears Vs. Bad Fears

*Fear makes people move to some sort of action
- Fight - Flight - Surrender
* What causes me to feel I need to take action? What doesn't?
Part 1: Good Things To Fear
1. Being disconnected from yourself
- Disconnected leaders develop lusts
*Power *Recognition *Flesh *Substance
- Being disconnected from your true gifts & passions
*Find out who you are *What are my gifts and talents? *What does that look like?
2. Be aftraid of being unaware of what others are saying or seeing about you
- Leaders who do well use that feedback
* Take the toxicity out of being screwed up, and embrace it and learn from it
- Check in with people - How've I been doing?
3. Being disconnected from the hearts of the people that you are leading
- Listen to their problems
- Maintain trust
- Human heart seeks to be known
4. Personal Isolation
- When isolation isn't replenishing, it becomes an escape which isn't healthy
5. Leading in a way that is not sustainable
- Leading should be tiring but motivating
- Otherwise, you go into overdrive & damage will follow
- You should move to set different limits if you can't keep up with the pace
6. Personal and organizational infrastructure deficits
- If the pace is increasing but the support isn't there, that's a train wreck coming
7. Be afraid of being defensive
- We have lost power & some sort of functioning when we become defensive
8. Be afraid of God
- Live life fearing God in a protective way
Part 2: Bad Things To Fear
1. Not looking good
- Image management
*Leaders do make mistakes *People are forgiving if they take ownership of their faults
2. Seeing your faults & weaknesses
- Don't be defensive: Be hungry for feedback & criticism
3. Other people getting credit
- Leaders nned to be able to release people to achieve
4. Giving others freedom
- Giving others freedom equal to responsibility equal to accountability
- Micromanagement drives good workers crazy
5. Problems
- Embrace negative realities
- "No problems, No profit"

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