Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just When You Think Everything Is Going Your Way

Ever have one of those days when it just feels like something good isn't going to happen? Yet, you try and talk yourself into believing that everything is going to be okay. Well, I had one of those days on Monday. We were planning to go to Pinedale, WY to go cross country skiing and meet up with Audrey's family that's here for Christmas Break. It didn't turn out as grand as it sounded before we left. Let me break down for you the list of things that happened.
1st thing that went wrong - The roads were completely covered in ice, very slow going. Not fun driving in when you have totaled 2 vehicles from the very same driving conditions.
2nd thing that went wrong - When we got to Pinedale we stopped at a gas station where I promptly locked the keys in the car. Luckily there was a guy in line who overheard me asking about a locksmith. He called up his buddy, and they got the door open after only about 30 minutes.
3rd thing that went wrong - Audrey got car sick.
Basically it was a drag of a day, and I'm so glad to be back home and a few days removed from all of that frustration.

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