Monday, January 3, 2011

Just Bragging...

This post is dedicated to my wife. I realized that I have written posts on just about everything else in life, and I have left out one of the most important things in my life, Audrey Joy Ross. So I'm going to take a little time and brag on her, just to let everyone out there know how amazing she really is. 
First on the list is that Audrey is hilarious. Some of the things that she comes up with catch me so off guard that I am laughing for a long time after she says it. I think one of the funniest things that she does is when she makes analogies. Just the other day she said that our dog's breath smelled like a concession stand. I thought it was pretty funny. 
Second on the list is that Audrey has deep convictions. When there is something that she either believes in or she thinks is important it is rooted in her core. She doesn't just haphazardly come by her convictions either. They are born out of her life experience and they hold such deep meaning that it sometimes astounds me. There are times when I wonder if I could ever be as passionate about anything as she is about her core values. 
Third on the list is that Audrey is an athlete. Let me show you a little picture montage to prove my point. 

Enough said on that point.
Fourth on the list is that Audrey is famous in her own right...
Check out these links:
Fifth on the list and definitely not last, but all that I have time for right now is that Audrey is a wonderful wife who takes incredible care of her husband. She is a personal trainer and has helped people realize that their healthy lifestyle goals are totally within reach (with her help of course!). She is beautiful. She has wonderful blue eyes that pierce in a good way (unless you are on her badside of course!).
So cheers to you Audrey, I'm so glad that we have been married for 5 years and I look forward to running numerous more with you. Best running partner ever (she got me started running).


Anonymous said...

I totally agree Jadon, Audrey does have a great way with words and analogies. -Gretchen

Anonymous said...

HA! That sounds like some nasty-smellin' doggy breath. :) What a sweet list about Audrey! Love it.