Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rec. Is Crowded We Should Go

This winter one of Audrey's goals is to run outside as much as possible. Since running around our Rec. Center track (14 laps = 1 mile) can beat up ankles, knees, joints, hips, etc... pretty badly, and running on the 2 treadmills that are about 3 feet away from the white wall just doesn't make for that exciting of a workout. So we have been venturing out into the cold Wyoming mornings in the pre-dawn hours (average of 5 to -20 degrees).
Needless to say this has gotten a little bit tiresome, and when schedules change or other things occur that are out of our control we visit the Rec. Center to get our workout in. Now, most of the time the Rec. Center isn't too busy. Between 4:00-7:00 p.m. I would say is the busiest time normally and you can usually use the piece of equipment that you want. But this is not the case come January in Kemmerer.
It seems like everyone makes the same New Year's Resolution. "I'm going to go to the Rec. Center and workout!" The other night we were there and I was running on the track. Occasionally there are a few walkers, and by few I mean 2 and by occasionally I mean once a week, when I run up there. On this night you would have thought that the Rec. Center Track was the hottest spot to be in Kemmerer.
It felt like every lap I made there would be two more people waiting to start walking on the track. And walk they did, very widely, and didn't especially want to move for someone who was lapping them twice for every lap they made. That makes for a lot of "Excuse me's" while you are trying to run, and trying to make yourself as skinny as possible to squeeze up next to the wall so you don't have to slow down too much.
At one point during my run there were at least 15 other people on the track. Remember 14 laps = 1 mile, and the track is basically three people wide. It felt like I was running through a L.A. traffic jam, only it was a human jam. I even had to run in the middle of these three ladies because they wouldn't move over. That's a fun experience...
Well that's my rant and rave over people and their New Year's Resolutions. Good thing that I won't have to worry about most of those people come February.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! I hope they do keep their resolutions...& learn a bit of gym etiquette while they're at it! Perhaps in a few months you and Audrey will have some new running buddies, who knows?! :) lol...Hope it warms up enough for y'all to get back outside soon.