Monday, September 29, 2008

Mile 12 of the Blogs

I feel like I'm in mile 12 of a half-marathon of blogging. It's day 29 out of the 30 days of September. I'm so close to finishing this marathon of blogging, yet it still feels so far away.
But I guess I'll push on and make these last two blogs count.
I can't say today was incredibly eventful. Just another full day of life and ministry and all the little things that come up unexpectedly. Planning ahead is great and all, but real life never looks like the plan. Maybe that's more true of being a Pastor than of a 8 to 5 job. It was good day though. A few unplanned events, a guitar lesson, a game of battleship during supper, work at the church and now hopefully a good movie and a good nights sleep.
I'll write my finale blog tommorrow so be sure to catch it!

Until then .... Bye!

1 comment:

Tricky G said...

If I had known you were doing a month of blogging I would have totally read them all.

Can't do it now though, its old news now.